Comeva has received the support of the Dirección General de Internacionalización de la Conselleria de Economía Sostenible de la Generalitat Valenciana
May 9, 2023

Comeva (Construcciones Mecánicas Valencianas, SL) has developed the “International Promotion Project” co-financed by the GENERAL DIRECTORATE OF INTERNATIONALIZATION OF THE COUNCIL OF SUSTAINABLE ECONOMY OF THE VALENCIAN COMMUNITY.

The company, following one of the objectives set in the International Marketing Plan 2020-2022, dedicates part of its efforts to international promotion in order to enhance its presence in international markets where it already has a presence and, on the other hand, to access new markets. During the period 2020-2022, COMEVA has focused on international presence in countries such as Germany, Denmark, France, the Netherlands, Morocco, Mexico, and Portugal.


Support for the external promotion of Comunitat Valenciana 2022

Actions carried out:

  • Ligna Germany 22 trade fair.
  • FIMMA – Maderalia 22.
  • Design of catalogs.
  • Business trips and stays.

Amount received: €28,313.74